FAN MAIL FRIDAYS: Is Laser Hair Removal Really Effective?

Wassup guys? Did you know that February is the only month for 2015 that didn't leave any space in the calendar? As in there was no spill over from the previous month and no overlap from the succeeding month. Just thought you guys would like to know! :D

Our FMF for today is from Teresa. We're going to talk about Laser Hair Removal today. :)

Hi Martha, 
I've been a reader of yours since 2009. I got married in 2010 and had a baby in 2011, and still, I'm an avid reader. I think I need your blog now more than ever because as a mom who's raising a very naughty tot, your blog is the quickest way for me to have my 'me time'. 
This question has long been bothering me now and it's time that I get an answer from no less than you, the Beauty guru. My question is: Is Laser Hair Removal really effective? Does it really get rid of hair? Do I have to maintain it forever or for just a couple of months/years? My husband is asking me what I want for my birthday and I'm thinking of requesting a Laser Hair Removal package. What do you think? If it's effective, I'd probably give it a go. If not, I'll just buy shoes hehe! 
Thanks, Martha. Keep on blogging and being a source of inspiration and information for Filipinas! 
Always a fan,

Hey Teresa!

Awww, what a touching story! Thank you, thank you for making The Beauty Junkee a part of your life in the last 5 years. Thank you for sticking with me and for putting up with my rants, sucky blog posts, and sometimes, lack of posts! I wish I could meet you one day so I could personally thank you for patronizing my blog throughout these years. :)

You sure have one, generous husband right in there! :) Shoes would be really nice too, but let's focus on Laser Hair Removal, which is what you originally want for your birthday.

So, is it really effective?

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