Call me biased, but the best whatever-special-occasion gift for me is a luxury handbag. Because it's so precious, from the feel down to the scent (especially if it's pure leather) and it's so fine, from the design down to the details. Luxury bags ain't called such for nothin'!
If you're going to celebrate a milestone or any special occasion in your life this month or in the next few months and you are considering purchasing a luxury bag, specifically Givenchy Antigona, then you're in for a treat. I am going to review mine today. :)
Antigona is one of the brand's most famous handbag styles along with Pandora and Nightingale. It was first seen on A-lister celebrities and supermodels, particularly Miranda Kerr, thus it earned the title "Supermodel Bag". Since then, Antigona's rise to stardom became unstoppable-everyone wanted one and it is always flying off the shelves even until now-I asked a friend to buy me one in Paris last November of 2014, but it was always sold out and the new stocks were already reserved even before they arrived in the stores. :p
I digress. Antigona is a modern twist to the doctor's bag: It's sharp, stylish, and unique, yet it remains minimalist and sophisticated. It's a corporate woman's handbag in my opinion because it screams "I mean business", don't you think? :)
The standard style for Givenchy Antigona are the block colors and they come in different textures such as pebbled, glossy, matte, smooth, patent, and lately, rubberized. Sometimes, it comes in limited edition styles such as graphic and animal prints (e.g. 3D Geometric, Snakeskin, and Croc Skin), exotic leather (e.g. Bull), tri-color styles, and leather with metal details like what I have: Givenchy Antigona Metal Edge in Hazel, Medium Size. I got it from a Givenchy store in Dubai via a friend and it retailed at SR 8,200 or around P105,000.00+. Locally, Givenchy Antigona Medium starts at P119,000.00.
Disclaimer: This authentication post is only intended for the featured bag.
More details about this bag, plus find out how to catch a fake one!
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