Avène Eau Thermale Thermal Spring Water Review

Here's a review Avène Eau Thermale Thermal Spring Water.

Price: 50ml- P500.00 ; 300ml- Around P1,000.00
Bought: Free
Other Locations: Available in major Mercury Drug stores


At first, I was a non- believer that this water is "miraculous". I was like: "Yeah, sure, it's water from France, but it's just...water." How can it be any extraordinary than Evian or mineral water, right? 

When I was running through this product's label one time, an idea hit me all of a sudden: If this product claims to soothe irritation, then maybe it can alleviate my fancy accessory- induced skin allergy. I may have forgotten to mention this to you guys, but I am ALLERGIC (it's all caps because my allergy can get really bad :( ) to nickel- made accessories aka fancy accessories specifically on the neck area-it's pretty bad that it would only take 10 minutes (5 minutes if I'm in a warm area) for the rashes, redness, itchiness, and burning sensation on my neck to ensue whenever I'm wearing these accessories every.single.time. Sometimes, even without wearing anything at all, my neck would itch and burn when I'm sweaty or it's hot and humid. Yup, my skin on the neck area is THAT sensitive!

As expected, I'm experiencing that darned allergy again since its summer (a derma said it's called Atopic Dermatitis) and what a perfect time to test Avène Eau Thermale Thermal Spring Water and validate its claims. One time, when my Atopic Dermatitis was triggered, I reached for this product and sprayed it on the inflamed part. 3 minutes after, the itch and burning feeling went away and a choir of angels suddenly appeared in my head and sang "HALLELUJAH!" Now I'm a certified fanatic, finding myself reaching for this water often and preaching to my friends and family like a prophet about this miraculous water from France. I even bought the 300ml can a few days after using it. I'm hooked!


Avène Thermal Spring Water is an all- around, soothing product for irritated and sensitive skin. This "miracle water" was discovered in 1700's in Avène, France, specifically in Saint Odille Spring. Since then, it has been treasured for its healing benefits and people from all parts of France and eventually, the world, would flock to Avène to experience its benefits-this has inspired the creation of Avène Hydrotherapy Center where people suffering from skin disorders such as Atopic Dermatitis, Eczema, and Psoriasis go to be treated the natural way with the "miracle water." More about the rich history of Avène Thermal Spring Water HERE.

The product comes in 3 sizes: 50ml (for your bag), 150ml (for your dresser), and 300ml (for household use). In each can, you will only get PURE WATER, as in the world- famous "miracle water" of Saint Odille Spring in Avène, France-no other ingredients included. 

Here's one interesting fact about this product: The water is transferred from the spring directly to the can using Avène's spring-to-can packaging method-this method preserves the water's integrity and purity. Every time you use it, it will be the water's very first time to come out in a foreign environment-as in no, the water's not even exposed in the facility of Avène!

I love the atomizer of this product: it sprays continuously even if you turn it over and sideways, delivers a very fine, wide mist, plus the atomizer goes up and down fluidly. The can contains Earth- friendly Nitrogen to push the product to the surface-definitely no CFC!

More about this new bag, dresser, and home staple of mine after the break! :)
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